Jag vill inte, det får inte hända!


Jag sitter och gråter framför datorn. Jag ber till Gud.

Det får inte hända, jag orkar inte läsa mer!


Hur står man ut med att veta att ens röst ledde till detta?


Jag vill inte behöva leva i ett samhälle där myndigheter spottar sjuka i ansiktet och folk tycker det är ok.

Hur kan man ens överväga att rösta på människor med en sådan förskräcklig människosyn?



Orkar du läsa?

Orkar du se?

Vill du ha det så här?






Fun newly discovered vblog

Clicking around in internet land I came across a great videoblog by this guy Charlie McDonnell called Charlieissocoollike. Apart from him being red haired, reminding me of Jude Law and having a fantastic cute British accent he is also really pretty funny. So I thought I’d let you know about him. I also like some of his solo music, or at least the stuff I’ve watched on his vblog. Another tip is to try the Truthorfail, but be warned that the presenter in the original versions is pretty annoying.

Inspiring photo project

A while back my friend Anna sent me a link to an amazing photo project called 99 Columbians. I was clicking through my blog links today and found it there. When I started looking at it again I remembered how much I really love it. The oddness, the absurdity of what the artists has done and accomplished in getting so close to there subjects. Looking at these photographs I am struck with the beauty and diversity of the everyday surroundings that these student for a long or brief period call their home. I am in awe of their creativity and love the order of their chaos.

I feel extremely inspired to create a similar project of my own. If I can get hold of the necessary equipment and persuade my friends hopefully you will see the fruit of my inspired labour here soon!