Thirteen things to do before 2013

While lounging around and watching Jimmy Carr videos on Youtube I’ve been looking around on different blogs and found a bucket list type list. A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die, there is a film with the same name starring morgan freeman. But this was 30 things to do before 30. I love lists and make them all the time, usually small and randome ones from shopping to to top ten books etc but this sounded fun and inspiring. What I was really impressing with her list was that it wasn’t a very easy list and she’d managed to do everything on the list!

So I started putting together a 30 before 30 list, but it needs more work etc. So at the moment I’m thinking of as the heading suggests making a 13 before 2013. So here goes!

Thirteen before 2013

  1. Have a profesional manicure (never had one!)
  2. Take a photo a week and post it on my blog
  3. Turn off my mobile for a week and at the same time have no facebook (has to be while in the country)
  4. Take a trip on my own
  5. Read 13 books (not uni books ones of my choice)
  6. Watch the sun rise and set
  7. Move in with Marcus
  8. Watch Schindler’s list
  9. Visit a new place in Greece
  10. Do at least one of the uni tasks I haven’t finished

So people wish me luck!

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