Bild vecka 7

På alla hjärtans dag ska man göra mysiga saker ihop och kanske ge den man gillar en present.

I år på alla hjärtans dag var jag och Marcus hos folktandvården och jag fick i present av honom dra ut min visdomstand. Väldigt romantiskt!

Sen bjud jag på pizza i sängen och biobesök så det blev en väldigt mysig dag i alla fall men rätt speciell.

Får se vad vi hittar på nästa år!

Ash wednesday

Today is ash wednesday, which is also the fist day of lent. Lent is the period leading up to easter during which many christians fast. Traditionally this ment not eating or not eating meat. Many christians especially catholics won’t eat meat or drink alcohol during lent.

I myself am lutheran and was introduced to the idea of lent and fasting in my church youth group. There we spoke about the idea of giving something up to experience what it is like to have to go without. Also to free up time and resources to put to better use. To spend the time one watches crappy tv shows to be with family or go to church. To give the money one usually spent on sweets or cigaretts to charity. This idea really speaks to me. So the first year I gave up all things sweet; sweets, fizzy drinks, cordial, pastries, crisps and snacks. So I just ate food and water. The next year I added meat and later alcohol (when I started fasting I wasn’t old enough to drink anyway).

Now I’m  more keen on the idea of doing something as well as abstaining. I want to use this period to feed myself spiritually as well as living better for myself and others. I want to try a more structured prayer life/schedule and read more books instead of spending so much time being constantly available. I want to try and make more aware choices. I want to use say facebook but when I choose to not just randomly all the time. When it comes to food I will give some stuff up but not some specifically, rather just try to eat better and more healthy food.

Another issue that has affected my choices is that I’m going away for 18 days during the fast and staying with peope and I feel that my fast should be a burden for me not for others so I’ve decided to abstain from certain things only when I’m home but to stick to my other commitments also during my trip.

I hope this post might inspire you to try and experience this period in a new way or inspire new reflections about the idea of lent. Please comment if you have any reflections. 

Thirteen things to do before 2013 – 2.0

I just love that I made a post about the thirteen things I was gonna do and then made a list of ten things! All no one said anything till i saw my friend Erik three days later! Well anyway here is the post again updated!

ps. new stuff in red!


While lounging around and watching Jimmy Carr videos on Youtube I’ve been looking around on different blogs and found a bucket list type list. A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die, there is a film with the same name starring morgan freeman. But this was 30 things to do before 30. I love lists and make them all the time, usually small and randome ones from shopping to to top ten books etc but this sounded fun and inspiring. What I was really impressing with her list was that it wasn’t a very easy list and she’d managed to do everything on the list!

So I started putting together a 30 before 30 list, but it needs more work etc. So at the moment I’m thinking of as the heading suggests making a 13 before 2013. So here goes!

Thirteen before 2013

  1. Have a profesional manicure (never had one!)
  2. Take a photo a week and post it on my blog (not going great, will be better!)
  3. Turn off my mobile for a week and at the same time have no facebook (has to be while in the country)
  4. Take a trip on my own
  5. Read 13 books (not uni books ones of my choice)
  6. Watch the sun rise and set
  7. Move in with Marcus
  8. Watch Schindler’s list
  9. Visit a new place in Greece
  10. Do at least one of the uni tasks I haven’t finished
  11. Go to Rome
  12. Read Acts and all the letters (in the Bible, for anyone not following)
  13. Become a member of a charity

So people wish me luck!